Student Enterprise

The vision for Enterprise at Linwood is to continue to develop the ethos of Enterprise across the school.

All students will have opportunities to access the learning associated with knowledge, skills, attitudes, and qualities of Enterprise Capability.

Enterprise is a key element within Business Enterprise, Careers, and Work-Related Learning at Linwood across all campuses. It adds significant value to learning experiences and opportunities that contribute to our personalised development programme for all our students. It increases self–esteem, awareness of themselves and the world around them, and positively prepares them for coping with the transitions that they will face at school and beyond.

“Careers and enterprise education are not only important in preparing young people for the world of work. It is also an essential and central part of raising standards.”

The Careers & Enterprise Company 2018

Business Enterprise already forms a significant part of the Work-Related Learning programme at KS4 and 5 for many pupils with our supported business ventures.

Create and Grow

Making wooden gifts, growing and selling plants. Maintenance of outside space.

Tasty Bites

Making and selling food, includes shopping, food hygiene, taking orders, and delivering food.


Digital and Making

Digital – making videos, posters, and presentations. Making and selling gifts.

For some students, achievements are accredited through the BTEC Level 1 Work Skills qualification and self–reflection opportunities, resulting in the BTEC Learning for Life qualification at Entry Level 3. For other pupils, participation in Enterprise is recorded and contributes to learning programmes such as the OCR Life & Living Skills Diploma and Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme.

Our Students


Student Resources

Mental Health
& Wellbeing

Belong. Believe. Achieve.

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